- contact:
- project group:
Smart Immersive Environments
- funding:
- Partner:
Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS)
Hochschule Mannheim, Kompetenzzentrum Virtual Engineering Rhein-Neckar (HS MA, KVE)
Universität Stuttgart, Visualisierungsinstitut (VISUS)
Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen, Institut für Rechnergestützte Produktherstellung (HS AlbSig, IRGP)
- startdate:
- enddate:
Virtual Collaboration Labs Baden-Württemberg develops virtual collaboration for Baden-Württemberg, supported by XR technologies and PolyVR for interdisciplinary research projects in the InnovationCampus Mobility of the Future

Hygiene measures, travel costs and schedules sometimes make local collaboration difficult or even impossible. For several years, therefore, methods for spatially separated collaboration in virtual worlds have been developed in the KoLabBW project. From virtual to augmented reality, from smartphones to virtual space, from urban planning to assembly support to the simulation of stage sets, there is something for all scenarios.
IMI is also participating in the third phase of the project, with the VR software PolyVR. The consortium wants to support institutes and companies in the Baden-Württemberg region with the developed methods and visualization workflows.
The KoLabBW research project has set itself two goals: On the one hand, cooperation and communication in the interdisciplinary research projects of the "InnovationsCampus Mobility of the Future (ICM)" are to be supported by the use of cooperative virtual environments; on the other hand, cooperative Mixed Reality (XR) technologies themselves are to be established as a building block of mobility of the future in both research and development in Baden-Württemberg. At the end of the project, scientists in the state will have a service through which they can use virtual and hybrid twins for inter- and transdisciplinary research and development.
KoLabBW is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts as part of the "Mobility of the Future" innovation campus.