Executing Strategic Product Planning

  • Autor:

    Matthes Elstermann

  • Quelle:

    KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe

  • Datum: 2019


The origin of this research was the failed attempt or rather the impossibility of creating a working and effective information system to support the processes of Strategic Product Planning, based on existing process descriptions for that domain. This dissertation explores the origins of the according problems. As is discovered, the problems do not originate in error containing models or simple programming failures. Rather, as is explored, the origin of the encountered problems lies in fundamental principles of the employed description concepts for processes. It is examined why those ‘classical’ description concepts, in theory, may be usable to model the complex circumstances of Strategic Product Planning, yet, as can be seen in the originally referenced models, do reach certain, not-directly evident, limits rather quickly when actually employed. As an alternative to classical approaches, the paradigm of Subject-Orientation is analyzed and applied to existing models in order to create a comparative study. As a result and on that basis, a new, formal and thereby digitally executable, subject-oriented, referential process model for Strategic Product Planning is developed and examined. According to the derived requirements, this new model is a superior foundation for companies or organizations to develop and implement the execution of according strategic product planning processes.